Due to an unfortunate situation involving a sub mail carrier and his apparent inability to read, I have extra tickets to the show.
They are free for the asking, just send me a PM with your info.
They were delivered to a wrong address, the people they went to held on to them for nearly a month.The guys they were meant for are saying it's to late to go now. So, if you were planing on going, heres a chance to save $$.
I will mail, and I plan on being in Indy friday night.
Due to an unfortunate situation involving a sub mail carrier and his apparent inability to read, I have extra tickets to the show.
They are free for the asking, just send me a PM with your info.
They were delivered to a wrong address, the people they went to held on to them for nearly a month.The guys they were meant for are saying it's to late to go now. So, if you were planing on going, heres a chance to save $$.
I will mail, and I plan on being in Indy friday night.