Video of my dad’s 69 bigblock Dart street/strip car

hey guys,

here is a vid of my dad's 69 dart beast that he just finished this year...he got it 20 years ago (the year before i was born) and because of family stuff it has been on the backburner for years....however, in the last 4 years or so he has been working on it again and it is now what you see in this video....a pavement pounding beast....power comes from a 440 with M1 intake, purpleshaft cam 292 duration, huge CPPA headers, ported 906 heads and a holley 850 dp mechanical among other things....727 manual valvebody with 3500 TCI converter and 4.88 gears in a 8-3/4 suregrip...enjoy the vid

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Author: admin