They say that things come in threes!!

I'm just livid!!- I get to work and I go out back an low and behold my SBP set of rallyes are missing!!! Stolen, gone, vamoose, Schuss, see ya. WTH?! I have alot of other parts stored all along this semi trailer which no one can see any parts unless they happen to coming the back lot. Only thing that I can think of is - I showed a guy (from craigslist no less) some dart parts - we couldn't come to an agreement- He wanted to trade for LIGHTS instead of $$. He asked about the rallyes I said that they were for sale. And now they're gone. MAN- 1st the house almost getting broken into now this. Sorry- just looking to rant. WOULD LOVE to catch whoever it was......:mumum:
Author: admin