Storage Wars

I'm going to one of those storage war auctions today. It's being put on by one of the local moving lines and the auction starts at noon. Should be interesting. I don't think there will be any cars as the limit per unit is 1200 lbs. You never know though, there might be something there for me. You only have 15 minutes to look in the units before the auction starts and you are not allowed to enter them, just look from the door. I'm armed with a mag light, pad and pen and my wife to make the others back off. LOL

Author: admin

Storage Wars

I'm going to one of those storage war auctions today. It's being put on by one of the local moving lines and the auction starts at noon. Should be interesting. I don't think there will be any cars as the limit per unit is 1200 lbs. You never know though, there might be something there for me. You only have 15 minutes to look in the units before the auction starts and you are not allowed to enter them, just look from the door. I'm armed with a mag light, pad and pen and my wife to make the others back off. LOL

Author: admin