Sports Fans/Veteran Sport Fans

Well guys here I am on a boring Halloween night grading papers, the wife is asleep early, and I guess I'm in an overall sentimental mood. So I decided to look back at some pictures I saved of sports teams I played with in the past with some dating all the way back to when I was sixteen. Then I started looking at old baseball pics of my favorite players throughout late 80's and throughout the 90's. Man, what memories!!!!!!!! With my all time favorite player Ken Griffey Jr. fading off into the sunset it was tough looking at moments of the past. The great catches, home runs, etc........ It overall trips me out seeing how an athlete, and people in general, age as the years go by. Perhaps I'm just feeling my own mortality and aging process. You guys who are old enough to have sports heroes from the 70's, 60's, and beyond I ask you this. How did you deal with the generational changes in sports? Did you keep up with your favorite game? Ahhhhhhhh, maybe I'm just getting old myself.
Author: admin