LONG READ After 16 years of trouble it’s almost done (Drivers License)

Well as a teen I had what you would call a lead foot. I saw blue and red lights on many occasions and it cost me dearly. In 1996 I ended up with a suspended license. 3 speeding tickets in 12 months did me in the last one got a "drag racing" ticket added in for good luck. I should have been a good boy and just sat at home for 3 months and paid my dues, but, I was 18 and hated the police( My dad was a cop and we didn't get along at the time) SO I kept driving. This led to years of me getting pulled over and getting new tickets for DWLS(Driving While License Suspended) Never had a DUI or been involved in an accident but that didn't matter just kept screwing myself until 2005 when I finally said enough was enough and started the process of getting things back in order. $12,000 in fines finally paid off 120 days of work release and community service completed and 16 years of a suspended license all comes to an end September 28th 2012. My first order of business will be to drive My Father and Mother to dinner on my own. Then I will begin the process of applying for jobs with my new driving privledges that I had not been eligible for since I was 18. I know a good deal of you will say how did you go this long and I will explain it very simply. The snowball got so big I had to stop running.

Thanks for reading this I'm overly excited because of the drama this created in my life will be over soon.
Author: admin