dell is it me??????

im new to this computer thing but any ways...this thing has been truble sinse day kept shuting off evry time you try to do something on it.So finely it just died.And after three hours on the phone dell says the hardrive has died and the thing that holds the disk is dead.So three day later a man comes and puts new stuff in im thinking finally my up and running.SO here we go getting it all tuned in and the next day the dam thing shuts down arrrrrrrrrrr boy was I pisset or what im not even going to tell ya about the call to delll was like.or im shoure I would be band from the site.any ways here I im.the reson for telling you this is becuse it has shut of three times since saterday and I wanted to see if I could get this done before it shut down again and it hasent but im still going to call them in the A.M Has any one else had this problem....THANKS for reading.:angry7::angry7:
Author: admin