Category: General Discussion

Go Phillies !!! Who’s Your World Series Pick?

Even if you hate both teams. Heck, let me know if you hate baseball all together.
I grew up outside of Philly(Reading) and was a fan from @1975 untill the Rays inception.
We play the Yankees and they are in our division. AL East. Their fans at the games are very obnoxious. Not as bad as Boston though.

The wife wont let me go when we play either team anymore. :drinkers: :argue: :boxing: :violent1: :drinkers:.

Well C.C. got spanked last night. At home. Hit the shower. :cheers:


Please don’t hate me

I just bought a ’71 swinger sans front clip for $350. it’s got lpb 8 1/4, disks, tuff wheel, good condition buckets, good dash pad and from what I could see a good 1/4s with out rust.

I will post pics later but I think I did ok!

I don’t know if it’s going to get parted yet but we will see.

so I need to sell the duster
or scrap it.

ok need some input on a dog for the girls

ok what is the best dog out there my kids want a dog and we have a cat this dog will be inside with kids 2 so what is your thoughts on this i want some kind of husky

Bill Cosby’s ideas for the country.

Got this email today. Looks like a good idea to me. What do you think?

Bill Cosby has a great way of “distilling” things.
Looks like he’s done it again!

1). Any use of the phrase: ‘Press 1 for English’ is immediately banned. English the official language; speak it or wait outside of our borders until you can.

(2). We will immediately go into a two year isolationist attitude in order to straighten out the greedy big business posture in this country. America will allow NO imports, and…

Post Your MOPAR Tattoos!

Well in a few days I turn 18 and I am looking for a tattoo that is mopar related. I was wondering if any of you had some good possible ideas? It would be greatly appreciated, you can even just post and share your own! I would love to see them and others may too!

Here is a possible tattoo that I was thinking about getting? What do you think?
It would be on the back of my neck.

440 Dodge Help/Suggestions

Hello All!
This is my first time on the forums and first time posting!

A little about myself and my questions 🙂

When I was younger I owned a…

got in a wreck today

i didnt know exactly where this should go so move it if you need to lol. but i was in a wreck today in my girlfriends subaru. it was icey and i hit the right rear quarter panel on a 03 gmc duramax lol bent a bunch of stuff. this subie is tough. well i think mine gonna be totaled so we are gonna get a check and get her a car and hopefully keep the subie. everyone is fine the other driver might have whip lash if anything but we both got out and walked around and no ambulance rides lol. i cant…