Category: General Discussion

Your biggest adrenaline rush?

I was thinking about this the other day during a recent elk hunt in New Mexico while sitting there behind a spotting scope glassing elk. I have done quiet a bit in my life including serving my country in a search and rescue helicopter squadron during war time. Played sports my entire life with success and have done my share of crazy and extremely stupid things.

The one thing that really stands out in my mind is shooting my first Pope & Young record book bull elk with a bow in my hand. Hands…

Cash for Clunkers = $24,000 per vehicle states that it cost the tax payers $24,000 per vehicle sold, great sucess, I think not.:bootysha:

It’s still snowing in Denver

Thursday morning, and it’s predicted to keep snowing until this evening! Here are pictures of my driveway, (after I shoveled twice yesterday) and my poor Caravan. (with a “snowhawk”) I think my next project will be an old Power Wagon for days like this!

A full day yesterday

Well the day came for my central heat and air to be completed :cheers:
I , or may I say my children and friends built this small home a couple years ago and paid as I went, I get a call about noon and they said they was on there way to get the second step and final step dun.
I ask Randy to give me one day head start before he showed up to complete my system :angry7: NOT!!! I had two hours of moving my computer and bed and taking shelves down so they could easily install my air vent’s and get…

update on my dart

I posted here a few months ago that i was the one who got prine’s dart /he’s another member here and one hell of a nice guy! i finally got around to trying to get a title and thru a whole lot of luck and a little research i found the original owner of the car / it was last registered in texas and the old gent was nice enough to go get me a duplicate title and send it /all he asked for in return was some pics of the car which i gladly sent to him/ nice people still do exist!

since getting the…

Crazy Ford Driver Cops-1 Mustang-0

Check out this news clip of a crazy Mustang driver.
This is not far from my house.,+officer

How Old Will You…..

……live to be, in your opinion? To let you get a feel for what we’re talking about here let me start. I’m 58 since last Friday. My girlfriends think i’m only 40. Very active individual that as doctors recommend, drink at least 1 beer a day, at least 1, and dont smoke. Wiegh in about 185. I have no health issues that seems obvious but there are histories in the family that might be an issue, but for now i feel good. Life is fun for me and i have never met a stranger. Just some friends i’ve…