Update on stansblue72

Hi everyone,

Well my scans showed the T cell infusion got most of the cancer. There was still some active cancer cells though. So the doctors decided to give me another dose of T cells which I received on April 22nd.
Two days later back in the hospital with a fever for me. It's not as bad this time though haven't gotten near as sick as I did last time.
In about 3 weeks they will do all the scans again to see if any of the cancer is still active. If all looks good then it will be on to another stem cell transplant. When they do that I have to stay down here for another 100 days. To be monitored for rejection.

Jean is doing good she is home now and trying to do things for herself. Still has limited feeling in her left arm and leg and the site in her left eye hasn't improved much. But she is learning how to cope with the limits that she has.

Take care all and burn some rubber for me!

Author: admin