Torsion Bar Seals: ’67 Imperial

As I mentioned in my thread in the Imperial section, my Isolators have been shipped (actually arrived this week). Another thread on the Imperial group list brought up Chrysler parts guy Gary Goers, so i checked out his site. I noticed torsion bar seals.

What should I look for to determine if these need to be replaced? I don't want to throw money at this car indiscriminately, but if the bar mounts are removed while I'm replacing Isolators, I would like to replace these if required. But I don't know how to tell if its required.

Here's a grab from the FSM. Are there any other parts that should be suspect?


Note that I'm not getting into the whole front end. That's a project for another day. I'm just removing the C-Member so I can replace the Isolators, which have been rebuilt. Basically, do I need to be inspecting the screw, clamp, seal, lock and nut before I get there?
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Author: bajajoaquin