Stupid Pet Nicknames

My dogs go by Maxi (short for Maximus Decimus Meridius, the main character in "Gladiator". Strength and virtue were his motto and in the first scenes he had a wolf as his partner in war and had a wolf on his breast plate. In reality, the Romans would have Rotties) and Merlin (which is obvious) but they have several nicknames, some of which a can't post. :)

Here's a few of the clean ones:

Super Dog
Poop Shooters
The Beasts
The Monsters
Sir (or Ms.) poops alot
Miss Piggy
Mr. Dog
Mr. Paws
Good Dogs :)
Pretty Girl
Proud Dogs
Happy Dogs
Garbage Disposals
Mud Dogs
Stinky Dogs
Bucket Heads

What do you call your dogs other than thier name? :read2:
Author: admin