Somethings bad?

I wired In a MSD6AL-2 this weekend well last week just got it running yesterday. But went for a run today to test how it feels, but not long after leaving my house smelt faint electrial smoke and charging gauge was all the way to the right figured battery was low from screwing around last few days. Popped the hood felt around everything seems fine nothing real hot . Now stopped and got fuel and noticed something right away. For ever my fuel gauge would only go to 7/8's when full. But it went all the way to full this time? Then the ride home I noticed a faint puff of smoke from under my dash, quickly pulled over and got my fire extigusher out. Temp/ALT gauge/FUEL gauge all went all the way to the right also this is main concern? Under the hoods fine and made it home. Now my concern Is I had to run a juice wire from battery under my dash to a toggle for the MSD to run. Now Im going to check under the dash for a short but thought I would ask someone on here. Now do you need to upgrade the Voltage Regulator when Using A MSD? My Battery seemed very hot once I got home. The new toggle did not feel hot but thinking somethins Not right from what I did? D
Author: admin