shifter cable drives me mad – heat pbm`?

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hi folks... just wanna ask some questions about the shifter cable thing on early B´cudas.
the problem i get every summer is: if the car heatens up (after driving one hour or so) i´m "loosing my gears" what means, P is out of the reach in the consol shifter, N is where R should belong and R is where P should be, D is at the place of N etc....´
i´d adjusted the cable concerning to the manual, (stick it in, pull it out [oh my god ] 5th hole in the wheel etc. if the the car is cold everything is allright, car starts in P and N and D,2,1 are where they should be.

If i get on the Highway (Autobahn) and drive it for some time. I will get the problem a.m.

curios - if it cools down, it will get back to the former adjustment, but not completely, R and N are still slightly out of the proper position then.

All you 65Cuda drivers outhere, have you got similar problems, if so how did you solve it ?

is my cable to old, worn out, do i need a new one from Imperial Services (200 Dollars ) is there another source for a new shifter cable.

is it simply an overheating problem (cable routed not far enough away from exhaust) and can be solved wraping something around the cable to isolate it.

thanks for helping
Author: admin