Pray or whatever for my uncle

Hey, realize its a bit late, but just asking if you guys could pray or do whatever it is you do, best wishes, etc for my uncle (my mom's brother).
For years growing up he had problems with drugs, coke and heroin. He has OD'd a couple times, but managed to make it through. Well over the past few years he would be clean, then him and his wife would have problems and he would get back up on coke again. Then clean, then problems, then heroin, etc etc. Well now his wife and him are having problems again, and he has left the house and is living in a trailer somewhere. Well he came to my grandparents asking if he could borrow money to buy his tools back, because work is slow so he had to sell them to pay bills. He told them if they loan him the money, he will buy the tools back, and then rebuild their fence (he is a fence builder), as well as rebuild their greenhouse that collapsed in the snow. He also asked for money to buy more insurance on his truck.
Well today my cousin (his daughter) called my grandma in tears, asking her to stop sending him money. She caught him smoking crack at the house, and he used the tool money and insurance money to buy crack, she knows because he has been driving around with no insurance, and has no tools, and the money is gone.
We are praying for him and trying to help him, as we know it will only get worse from here with him since he has had major drug problems in the past.
If you guys are able to find the time, please pray for him, or give your best wishes to my family and especially to him that he can get his life together. He is religious, and once was a pastor and told everyone that god helped him get off drugs before, so maybe he just needs a reminder that it can be done.
Thank you,

Author: admin