Powder Coating …

After nearly 9 years on board now, sometimes I get so comfortable around here I forget that the constant new influx of members are in the dark about the services I provide unless they happen to stumble upon somebody's show-off post.

So with everyone making plans for the upcoming cold weather -- and with my Busy Season Dance Card filling up rapidly already :-D -- today's as good a day as any to toss out a little wave and an invitation to the newbies. :-D

I do Mopar parts restorations, custom one-offs to match your ride, and offer high-end-style multi-color custom powder coating work you can be proud of AND afford.

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My shop is in northwest Tennessee and I've been in business for myself since 2007. Since this site has been a part of my life since well before I hung my shingle (I've owned my Cuda for 22 years) ... and you've all been there for me forever ... FABO members are entitled to a 5% labor discount while Gold members enjoy 10% off the labor. Our honored Veterans and active Armed Forces customers receive a 15% labor discount.

I quote every job individually to be fair to everybody, and bill at $25 an hour across the board. My supplier offers 6,500 powder colors, textures and finishes, and even custom matching beyond that.

I spent a serious number of hours today FINALLY updating the shop's website. Though I still have a long way to go -- 15 months' worth of new work to add to the Gallery (mostly for FABO members) -- please take a few minutes to check out the new additions to the

Home Page
PSC Feedback and
About Us ~ Our Rides and Our Friends

To review all the new additions to the website [and hopefully oooh and aaahhh over all my hard work today lmao!], start here ... http://PhoenixSpecialtyCoatings.com/

I'm also happy to report that you can now order a maiden edition "Hand Job" from the Mistress of Metal if you don't plan to get any parts coated to earn a free one! They're only $8/bar with free domestic shipping to the continental USA. (If you're outside the US, send me a message or email with your Postal Code and I'll get back to you shortly.) See the "About Us" page up there for details and a paypal "Buy It Now" link. The next edition will feature more customized labels with the shop's logo and a little teaser blurb.

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While I've got your attention, let me also invite FABO FaceBook users to the shop's FaceBook Fan Page! Over 1,900 Fans and customers regularly enjoy the Powder Porn found there. I'd be honored to have you on board too. :-) Since it's so much faster and convenient to upload pictures there versus site updates (as you might've noticed lol), I tend to put the latest work there first.

If you'd like a quote or to discuss ideas for your own ride, feel free to email me at PhoenixSpecialtyCoatings@yahoo.com.

Thanks for being here FABO! I might not always say it, but I never fail to value your time, your support, your input, and your business. As always, comments and questions are welcome and fully appreciated. < curtsey >

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Author: admin