Patriot Act BS

I swear, every time I turn around lately there is some stupid new rule that keeps me from doing what I need to do.
The latest is that I need to add some cash I have to my Paypal account so I can pay people and buy parts.
Well, thanks to the Patriot Act Paypal won't let me add cash to the account without proof of ID and SS numbers.
I sent them what they wanted and it's been days and I still can't do it.
They are trying to make sure I'm not laundering money for terrorists or some shit like that.
Same with Walmart and a money transfer recently, as my Brother tried to send some money to me to buy him a new rifle with while he was gone on the road truck driving.
The amount was 600 and they will only allow 499.99 max because we could be laundering money. WTF?

My Brother told them that he would be quite the looser if he was trying to launder 600 at a time. :D

A different one was my phone company service for our business land line would go off and have no service for days at a time. (BUSINESS LINE!)
I got pissed one day and had the number moved to a cell phone so it wouldn't quit working and some phone company A hole couldn't tell me the problem was probably on my property somewhere. (just like they said every single time)
Then a day or two later it would be back on again and when asked they would say it was because of a wet switchbox or some crap like that, so when I changed the number over to a cell phone I pulled all their wires out and put them in a pile in the driveway.

When the phone company tech got here and asked what he could help us with I told him he could get all of their POS useless wire off my property.

He said "You know you just committed a Federal offense" and I said "What?"
He told me that after 911 and the Patriot Act went into effect that taking out land lines that belong to the phone company is a Fed offense.
These were the lines between their box and my house that I put in when we moved here, but he said due to changes in the rules that those lines now belonged to them.

Well, I picked up the pile of wire and threw it at his truck and told him to GTF off my property and feel free to turn me in for it if he felt the need, because my new rules stated that shit that doesn't work goes bye bye around here.

Yes, I know I have a bit of an attitude sometimes, and sometimes I will cut my nose off to spite my face just to make a point but man I can't just stand by and take bullshit and not call it bullshit.

Spare me the "It's for our own safety" speech, because I know damn well a lot of this crap is geared specifically towards wanting and trying to know everything everybody is doing and where they are doing it.
In my opinion, they are hiding their wish to spy on everyone behind some of the new laws associated with the Patriot Act and getting totally away with more tromping of the US Constitution and our supposed (used to have) rights and freedoms.

A bunch of sheep, and I'm getting tired of it.
Now they can call me a domestic terrorist and legally deny anything left of my rights as a US citizen because they have written proof of my disgust for their actions and lies.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that Google and Microsoft are also involved in this conspiracy against the people somehow, but that's just a theory (so far).
You can't convince me either one of them needs the information they gather over time for anything else, but most say it's for targeted marketing.

Well holy crap, so far the only place I haven't been approached by either of them is in the shitter.
Do they need more coverage than that?
Author: admin