Ouch…sticks out like a sore thumb.

So I'm disassembling my k member today. I am using a handy dandy tie rod splitter. But of course my hammer skills suck to say the least! You guessed it I smashed my thumb. :violent1: Couple choice words, a walk around the shop and back at it. When I was finishing up I figured I would "release the pressure" on it. I've heard about a hypodermic needle being twisted and or a small drill bit. Not being a junkie, I don't carry needles, so I decided to use a bit. The smallest one I have is 1/16". It was new so it was clean. So there I am taking my time spinning it back and fourth by hand slowly so I don't jam it in too hard. Well you cant tell when it's about to penetrate and wham its through. Of course I continued to rotate it in the forward direction which by natural action of the bit pulled it down onto the flesh underneath. OUCH!!! :banghead: That hurt more than the initial hit did. A few more words and another walk and I was able to grab a rag to sop up the releasing blood. It feels better with the pressure gone, but next time, and there will be, I will be more cautious as it is nearing the end! :oops:
Author: admin