New Job

.....has been kicking my ass. Up every morning at 6am, shower, sh!t and shave, coffee then walk dogs for 2 miles, home by 7:20. Check my schedule and put on work clothes (business casual) and log in by 8 or 8:30 depending on my schedule. Run around Denver installing and programming routers like a chicken with my head cut off until 4:30pm, run to fedex to pick my supplies for the next day and do paperwork till 7pm then stock truck until 10 pm or so.

It still beats the crap out of being unemployed and it should calm down once I know what the hell I'm doing in regards to operational procedures though. :read2: I love the work, the guys I work with are great and I should get my first paycheck today. :cheers: They gave me all the tools I need to get the job done right the first time and a new Chevy van. Not a bad deal really.

Anyway, I hope nobody thinks I'm ignoring them as it may take some time to get a response to a question. Regardless, I wish everyone a happy Friday and a great forthcoming weekend. 8)

Author: admin