New Guy in VA

Just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Carl. I live in Fredericksburg, VA. Married with two great kids (Boy-10, Girl-7). Former 82nd ABN Infantry Officer. Now disabled. Spend my employed time working for an organization called Paralyzed Veterans of America. Spend the fall deer hunting and spring and summer riding my motorcycle. Winter time is for projects and kid stuff.

As for the important stuff. My father and I are diehard Mopar guys. Always owned a Dodge pickup. Now have a 2007 Mega Cab. Just purchased a 1969 Dart GT. Meant to be a long term project, but going to try to make it a driver in the meantime. Hope to get pictures up soon. Looking forward to all the info I can to assist with my "new" Dart. Thanks.
Author: admin