New guy from South Dakota

Nice site guys and thanks for the information so far. I am currently a 25 year old tech school student out here in the Black Hills. I am in my second year of welding and hope to have my AAS degree at the end of this year. Well for the mopars we have here at home between dad and I (yes I live at home and am 25, it was the best move financially after my enlistment in the navy) are a 59 Power Wagon, 63 Dart (want to make my daily driver), dads baby 69 Dart GTS 383, 70 Challenger, 70 300, 72 New Yorker, 74 Challenger, and my 74 Dart Sport. I dont really have any of them going as projects yet due to me being in school and me feeling the need to constantly enlarge my tool collection. The pic with me and the motor was back in high school when dad and I were putting the 360 together for the Dart Sport. I will try and get some more pics of our stuff to see.

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Author: admin