Missouri opening deer kill

I realize not evryone wants to read about the kill.....but for opening weekend, here in MO. it was 91,000,,,, highest in 4 years and beat out last year by 30,000.
good conditions last weekend and last year it was way too hot and windy.
some of like the meat, much of it is donated to the food bank ( needed around here!). some stock up on food in case everything goes bottom up!!!
my neighbor ( from back East), says there are NO deer around here!!! LOL
I remind him of the car I totaled, the $2500 damage ( $6000 any other state, $30,000 in Canada) LOL!,,,to my Ram, and 5 near misses ( all on stretch of road 1/2 mi long). yes I slow down there to 30mph when dark.......
now I realize the guys in Pa and NY will say 91,000 ain't squat!!!!!!?? LOL
Author: admin