Killer EEL’s in Oz

I know we get a bad rep ,what with our bird eating spiders etc but I have a beauty for you all:axe:

Rogue eel terrorises swimmers at Gwongoorool rock pool at Binna Burra

GIANT rogue eel has been terrorising swimmers at a Gold Coast hinterland swimming hole.

The territorial eel, more than a metre long, has bitten several swimmers, including Colombian student Carolina Franco, who was bitten twice on the leg during a dip in the Gwongoorool rock pool at Binna Burra on Sunday.

The eel has become so aggressive that rangers from Lamington National Park have placed a sign on the walking trail leading to the rock pool, warning swimmers that eels inhabit the waters and have been known to attack when threatened.

Swimmers would have been hoping the recent heavy rain had forced the eel to get a wriggle on but it was easy to spot at the rock pool yesterday, patrolling the perimeter of its fiercely-guarded territory.

Reader's Comments: Rogue eel savages swimmers - The Courier-Mail
Courier Mail, Ms Franco, who is studying English in Brisbane, was at Binna Burra with friends on the weekend when she decided to cool off in the popular swimming hole.

She was bitten twice on the left leg and later required a tetanus shot.

She said she did not see any sign warning against swimming in the pools and got the fright of her life when the eel came in for a chomp.

"It really scared me," she said.

"We saw the eel swimming around when we got there, but we didn't think eels would attack people so we weren't worried."

Her friend David Velasquez said rangers told them there had been several reports of the eel biting swimmers.

An Environmental Protection Agency spokesman said the eel had not given rangers the slip and no further action would be taken.

"Eels are part of the natural environment at Binna Burra and we need to remember we are entering their habitat.

"The EPA won't be moving them out of their pool," the spokesman said.

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Author: admin