Well this 69 Dart gt I've been telling everyone that I was getting is now NOT going to happen. Yesterday I got the text from the friend who was supposed to sell it to me and basically he got selers remorse before selling it. This was a garage kept car for 25 yrs that was his dad's that passed away 5 yrs ago and he was fnally going to let it go since he realized he wasn't going to do anything with. Well all of a sudden a "guy he knows" talked him out of selling it saying he'll help him rebuild it and once it's gone it's gone. I hate that!!!! I've put considerable time and energy researching on this website to learn soooo many things in regards to restoring this car all to have gone to waste. He knew full well this was going to be a project with my daughter for her first car, and we've been very close friends for the last 12 years which makes me even more upset, not to mention my daughter crying and being broken hearted. So I just wanted to say thanks to all of those who have contributed to my education in restoring an A body. It has surely been a pleasure.