I’m not religious but I need prayers

I just got word that my grandfather is "missing", sort of... here is what I know so far.

My grandmother says the last time she seen him was 21:30-22:00 Monday night. She woke up at 08:00 Tuesday morning and he was gone along with his truck. She can't remember if she made his bed or not (they sleep apart), if she didn't then he didn't sleep in it, and left the night before. Normally that isn't strange for someone (although a little for my grandfather) but here where it does.

My grandfather is in the beginning stages of dementia, currently depressed, and even mentioned that he'd "rather be dead than move" (they recently moved from their $500,000 house into a condo because of my grandfather's health).

We have no idea if my grandfather took any of his medication with him (heart problems). He also left his cell phone at home.

Now my uncle doesn't think anything is wrong and that my grandfather went to a hotel to "sulk". That being said my uncle is "ignorant" of his father's health problems. I think he just chooses to ignore them as he doesn't want to see his dad slipping away.

My grandmother is optimistic to the point that it can get on your nerves. She believes he will just come home that he's sulking as well, all though she at least knows and accepts the health problems. She also doesn't want to "rock the boat".

I reported him missing to the RCMP. Now all that can be done is wait.

Missing in Vernon, BC

Very piss poor picture but it's all I have on hand. Taken 6 years ago. He has even less hair and it's completely white.

Ken Dalgarno
Approx 160lbs

Drives a 2007 Honda Ridgeline (No plate yet as grandmother is being uncooperative)

Author: admin