“I’m getting out of MoPar” threads………

What's the deal when these threads that pop up from time-to-time? Seen a few lately, I don't get it...is it a money thing? Tired of the old car hobby or Mopar in general...why? Heart not in it? Money? Flipper? If you are sick of it, then why not just jump ship and go? I'm not ripping the members without car's who are looking or struggling to find the right car, or lack of funds...I have a deep passion for these cars......and would NEVER jump ship...and I like all old old cars but LOVE and am passionate about Mopars and couldn't imagine ever going another way....EVER.....just seeing what you all think...:glasses7:

BTW...I'm not talking about this new car garbage....Buttstains, Crapmaros or Challys.....just vintage iron.......
Author: admin