Huge breakthrough on M.S?

It's interesting that they mention the loss of sales to the drug industry. I for one think the treatment will never be approved in North America because of this.However it makes no sense for the treatment to be not approved for monetary reasons. What if it helps me go back to work and become a productive member of society again? Im sure the Canadian govt is missing the taxes they got from the 20 grand in overtime I used to do every year,lol. Plus I am getting to the point where I will need a disability pension from the govt in a few years when the sick leave through work finally runs out.So if you can lobby or know someone who can,please think about helping the millions of folks who have M.S.

I would love to try this. To wake up pain free and feeling good is just a crack pipe dream right now. I hate to bitch at you guys again,but Im really having a rough time lately.And to read of something that will very likely help but maybe never be available to me angers me to the point where I want to load my gun and find a target.

What if the entire current premise for research into a cure is wrong? They need to consider everything. An agioplasty sounds relatively harmless and no more risk than for someone who has it done for heart reasons. My wife is more sceptical than me that it will help,but she is far more cynical than me.

Please spread this around to your Doctors and friends,especially those with M.S. This is very impotant to me and I appreciate your help!


It might not cure everyone but if it helps just 1/2 or even several hundred thousand,it will be miraculous.

So many people just dont understand why I need to go back to bed a few hours after getting up,or cant walk more than a few hundred yards. I hope they never do have to learn firsthand. This didease has destroyed my life and I have had to make many changes to accomodate it.

My hunting partner was deeply saddened this year by my inabilty to do the things I cold do last season,as my condition is rapidly declining.

Thanks for reading folks.
Author: admin