Hell-O-Ween party pics.

I killed a bottle of Jack by myself and didn't puke!

Meat lives in there

Ther beard

The garbage man is ganna freak out on Tuesday morning.

Ross likes Subarus not Mopars

I like drinking Jack out of urinals

Nikki and Leahs costume


Death metal Rambo!!!

Wheres Ross? On F.A.B.O.

Hi Im drunk

Hey wheres Ross? Still on F.A.B.O.

Hi Im friggin waisted


Me and Death metal Hotdog who is married to Death Metal Rambo


This is Rubberband her an the Beard flew up from Vegas for the party.

She stole my kangaroo paw that I got off ebay.

Nikki punching me in the head...it happens sometimes.

waisted with a camera

Me and Angie

The second time that Rubberband passed out in one nite

I went to sleep at 4am, woke up at 9am drove an hour to a swapmeet, got a speedo out of a 55 plymouth for 5 bucks that will go into the 48, ran into Gary (redscampi) then went home....Im tired!!!
Author: admin