Good guy’s Alert!!

I walked down to the mail box yesterday and found a box addressed to
Victoria and from A.F.A.B.O.F. :toothy10:
WEll I found out that Badawg found me a locking gas cap and Vic Storm
a full nice set of PLYMOUTH letters for his new 66 barracuda.
Ramcharger was in on it and gave Badawg my address and Vic Storm new
about this and keep this a secret from me
Thank you Badawg :cheers: You must have seen a post where I was looking and trying to find one :-D
Its so cool to have friends and get a surprise like this.

May yall have a great weekend men,
We sure do have some
of the best of the pest folks here at FABO.:happy10::happy10::happy10:

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Author: memike