Good Guy alert MILO

There is some who feel I may be a lil' bit too trusting to a fault, I was raised to keep my word and do expect people to keep theirs, some had voiced their opinion about a deal that hasn't gone smoothly concerning some missing parts and a title to the car I bought, That will eventually get taken care of But I'd like to Thank MILO for how he does business.Needless to say the money order is in hand based on his word,not that I can or will always do business this way My hat's off to you MILO
Re: 9 1/4 Clutch disc
[quote=waggin]Hey Milo,are you one of them "good guy's" where I can stick this in the mail tomorrow based on your word? I'd hate to send this out and not get paid for it,would ruin my faith in all humanity!!! The disc will be in the mail in the morning, please send the payment, Wagg's :cheers: Quote:
Originally Posted by MILO
Originally Posted by waggin
36$ total using u.s.p.s. parcel post. I have paypal if needed or money order will work too.Thank's Curtis Quote:
Originally Posted by MILO
How much would total be to ship a clutch disc to me?
I have my car apart and the disc is a little worn



OK Curtis My car is apart so I need it soon
Send me your address and I will have a US postal money order in the mail to you first thing in the morning Milo

Yes Curtis I allready have the envelope made out in your name and I will e-mail you the postal money order number # tomorrow AM
Thanks for your help It will speed things up for me to get this Dart back togeather Milo
MILO vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true);
Junior Member

Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 7

Re: 9 1/4 Clutch disc
[quote=waggin]No need for the money order # just your word will seal the deal,I been around here for a while and a mans good word is how business should be done.Disc will be in the mail tomorrow for ya to speed up thing's and git ya back to drivin your car.Thank's Wagg's Quote:
Originally Posted by MILO
Originally Posted by waggin
[i]Hey Milo,are you one of them "good guy's" where I can stick this in the mail tomorrow based on your word? I'd hate to send this out and not get paid for it,would ruin my faith in all humanity!!! The disc will be in the mail in the morning, please send the payment, Wagg's :cheers: Quote:
Originally Posted by MILO
Originally Posted by waggin
[i]36$ total using u.s.p.s. parcel post. I have paypal if needed or money order will work too.Thank's Curtis Quote:
Originally Posted by MILO
How much would total be to ship a clutch disc to me?
I have my car apart and the disc is a little worn


OK Curtis My car is apart so I need it soon
Send me your address and I will have a US postal money order in the mail to you first thing in the morning Milo

Yes Curtis I allready have the envelope made out in your name and I will e-mail you the postal money order number # tomorrow AM
Thanks for your help It will speed things up for me to get this Dart back togeather Milo
Author: admin