Good FABO friend

Today my wife had surgery called DBS (deep brain stimulator) for her PARKINSON and she had to be at the hospital at 6:30

To perform this they drill 2 holes in the skull and insert probes into the brain, then wiring is run under the skin to a battery pack that is to be inserted into chest.

Tony & Thelma Fields were at my house by 6am and they stayed with me at the hospital till she got in her room @ 5:30pm

Tony also made me some new cards to pass out with my Prowler and Dart. They looked great. He used some pictures that I had taken and on the one of the Prowler it needed cleaning up. So he removed a Chevy truck, stop sign and large sign on a building.

To top it off he even bought breakfast, they lady wouldn't take my money even though I had it out


My wife is doing well and hope to bring here home tomorrow.
Author: admin