From Sarah

Hey, folks, with my internet being spotty it's been hard for me to sign on with the computer. Been keeping up with my phone and trying to reply to anything with just my thumbs on a touch screen can get monotonous. (And most of ya'll know me: my replies tend to run into paragraphs.)

Sarah wrote this a while back and asked me to post it.

Dear FABO members:
I opened up my email this morning and I was left gasping (that paypal is attached to my email to keep it separate from Robert’s business stuff.) Thank you so much for your generosity and caring. Not only will your gifts help with the medical bills we receive for services that aren’t covered under our plan, but will also help with transport costs to and from the hospital I’m currently receiving testing at, which is two hours away from home. I am glad Robert will be keeping you posted about what is going on. We are feeling very upbeat right now, and waiting for a call from the surgeon about his plans to operate, now that I’ve had an additional MRI. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sarah

I'll add a few things to Sarah's thank you, if I may. We're both extremely appreciative of the outpouring of love and support we've gotten from this board. Since this has began I've been receiving PM's with phone numbers to offer a listening ear, PM's just to chat in general to see how we're doing, visits from a good friend I met on here just to sit and talk, the auction thread, (of course), anonymous donations sent in the mail, donations sent in general. All of it means so much and finding the right words to express how grateful we are isn't easy to do.

Thank you all, so much.

I'll give ya'll a quick update ('cause I can't remember if I have). We're headed back to the hospital on Aug. 13th. After all the poking and prodding, all the testing, none of the tests were conclusive as to what the tumor actually is. The oncologists were of the opinion of setting up an appointment for another biopsy while it was the neuro-surgeon's opinion that if he's going back in for just a tissue sample, we'd be better served just going and taking the entire tumor.

While our previous surgeon was reluctant and hesitant with this idea, saying it was too difficult, our new surgeon put us at ease saying - while not routine -it's not as difficult as the previous surgeon made it out to be, and as long as everything goes right the only side effects will be loss of muscle strength in the legs, something physical therapy should help deal with.

Looks like we have another couple of months past the surgery date to haul through, but with God's help we should be looking at a positive outcome on the other side of this.
Author: admin