FF Garage remodel/clean up

Ok, admittedly, I'm a pack rat, and sometimes when I put something down, meaning to get back to it, I never do, and eventually things build up into one big ugly pile, or many big ugly piles.

My garage has gotten to the "many big ugly piles" state, so last year, I got a deal on some medical grade metal cabinets that I thought would be great for the garage. Well, they have sat in the basement way too long, and last Sunday, the garage cleanup/remodel commenced. in 95degree heat, no less. I've included pics of how the garage looked before any cleaning took place,. Whatta mess, embarrassed to put them on here, but they are fact, so I have to live with the crap I've dealt myself. We started Sunday morning with cleaning the left side of the garage, and across the back, where the cabinets were going. I've included before pics of those areas. After clearing the space, we had to close a hole in the floor(the one with the plywood) that was steps to the basement(yep, 2 story garage, car on upper floor, basement has garage door access, store lawn implements and other "stuff" down there.

After closing the hole, and doing so that it would support my weight, we started drilling the walls and lag bolting the 2x4';s for mounting the cabinets. By Tuesday, we had all cabinets mounted, and built a work surface out of 19/32 plywood. Now, I still have to clean the rest of the garage out and organize it. BTW, the camera crapped itself Monday, probably left it too close when drilling the block and got crumbs into it, but it should be back in operation soon, then I'll take pics of the finished product.


Attached Images


















Author: admin