FABO members who care about me! Good Guys Alert!


I want to say,
to the the following members:

homecloned (Whom was one of the first and usually still is the first person to talk to me. Extra Thanks to you for being a true friend, I owe you a favor and I don't forget)
doug 371
Vitamin C

who cared enough to post me back and at least try to help. They are what this site should be about and probibly used to be not to long ago.

I am not one who is in a click here or someone in the know. If I think I might know something, I try to share, then take the punishment soon after.

It has been a while sense I asked for some tech help.
ABB told me to not post tech ?'s due to low or no response to me when I needed it most when we first joined.

Had some smart A$$E$ answer some serious questions (when I first joined last year) with some quick quipped BS self promoting horse hockey, and I gave them the what for publicly, and later felt bad about it.

After that seemed whenever I asked for help it was hardly if ever answered, except by about the same 6 people some of whom are not on the list above but you know who you are and I thank you.

ABB and I started wondering how we were going to get you guys to talk to me and help me when needed. So ABB joins FABO and when I needed tech help I would post question then nothing.
So we would have her post different question same problem, her thread and wham everybody helping!

So I asked for some help today on a totaly lame subject I should have known anyway. I knew I really should not post tech stuff, but I needed help and had no manual yet. ABB and I sorta agreed that I should not post for help but to only help others, restorations, fun light and happy posts only.

Well I broke our rule today and asked for help. 2.5 hours later nothing, no responce. I get ticked (Sorry)
Finally members above wrote in and helped, You guys are the shiznit, Thank You Again!

Hope I don't have to trouble anyone with boring tech stuff again! But if I do I guess I'll head for PM section instead of posting!

See ya in restorations, Jokes , general discussions, etc., unless I'm trying to help you!8)

Thanks again to the super six above!!!! You really helped me today!
Author: admin