Dodge Rampage, carburated or Fuel Injected?

I have a Dodge Rampage with the original Carburated engine in storage. We put a '87 Dodge Daytona Shelbly Z stage 2 turbo engine in it and blew it up within months. Now with no motor I am trying to decide what engine I should put back in it. I liked the sound of the carburated engine before and worry about losing the sound. Should I go to fuel injected to get better gas mileage. I'm not too good with cars and we are hiring a professional to install the engine this time, maybe rebuild the carburator if we go that route. Maybe the carb engine would be more simplicit so we could learn how to keep better care of it?

Whats everyone's thougths there on whats a good engine for a rampage. Would I lose the sound with a fuel injected? Or could i get the sound back with the right exhaust system.
Author: hey_joe42