Category: General Discussion

Monster Quest

I thought this would appropriate as Halloween is upon us. They’re doing a run of these shows on the History Channel today. Let’s see….. The Jersey Devil, The Wisconsin Dog Man, some giant bird that can pick a up grade schooler, the Chupacabra, various renditions of a sasquatch, sea monsters, etc.

Entertaining but they never get any real physical evidence. Do you all think there’s stuff running around that scientists haven’t cataloged yet? :read2:

What a great ride

It has been so mush fun being here at this great site.
Thank you for all the great friendship and fellowship that has filled my life :happy10:
This site has fill me with so much happiness for a long time :clock:
You could not count all the help and info I have received here :read2:
So I just want to say thank you on my 16.000’th post to some of the best of the best tec’s and great folk’s here that has filled my life with happiness and fellowship :rock: all of you rock =D>


Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody!
I hope you all have a great time and you or your kids get a sugar buzz! 😀
Stay warm/cool/hyrdated… Stay comfortable!

As for my family and I, it looks like we may have some trouble staying warm, but regardless we are hoping for a record turn out this year. Our previous record was in the neighborhood of 690 trick or treaters. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow morning and I think you’ll understand why 😉

It might be the 30+ pumpkins… or the abundance of decorations…

Saw Greendays American Idiot musical 2nite

Since My better half is always trying to get Me to go to those Broadway type shows .I was pretty enthusiastic that this one at least would have a Rockin soundtrack. Well it was better than that! All the music was performed live by a band right on stage with the performers signing along. It was pretty bombastic and didn’t make a whole lot of sense to Me . But I enjoyed the show. If your wife or girlfriend is always bugging you to take Her to the theater take her to see American Idiot ! I think…

70GT is in Vegas!

Greetings from fabulous Las Vegas Motor Speedway! I decided to take a few days off from work and check out the NHRA Nationals. All of the big names are here…funny cars and top fuel dragsters…but just look at all of the A-bodies!

I love non-mopar guys.

I play an online game, and someone was asking me what kind of car I had. (Mind you, my username has “Mopar” in it. Go figure :rolleyes:)


Window Gasket

So i’ve acquired a 73 Dodge Dart Swinger. My dad and i are trying to put it back together so we can get it painted and on the road. I was wondering…