Category: For A Bodies Only

not mine: 1966 dart 4 door

This has showed up a million times on sd’s craigslist, but i thought the custom carpet was kinda neat.. very very clean 4 door.

thought i’d share.

has anyone bought wheels ftom this guy?

He sometimes has an add for SBP 15″ wheels. I wonder if they’re any good?



73 dart axle to 68 valiant

This has probably been asked before, but is the axle width and spring perch placing on a 73 dart axle the same as on a 68 valiant? I might be able to buy such an axle so I can start my conversion from 5×4 to 5×4,5.



i need a pair of door panel tops for a 73 duster

or info if any other year panel strips will work …thanks

Im back in it. better, stronger, (hopefully) faster!

I’m back in the game!
I have finally got enough motivation in myself to do something with the ragged old car in my garage (I FINALLY HAVE A GARAGE!).
I hope to build a solid 1974 duster with a 400 in a year or so, money permitting (tools and student loans, ugh…)
i have the car, i have a complete (running when pulled) 400, and a 9 1/4 rear end to be cut down. now i have to decide what my goals are so i can build the trans appropriately. I was promised a BB 727 trans thats apart, but all…

fender tag 67 cuda

I am unable to decode one item: M2.

Any ideas?

Also, I have a 12 stamped across the UBS perpendicular to it.
So its:
UBS with a B under the U.
1 under both the B and S.
2 above the B amd the S.


Greetings. I run the Wiki site. I noticed that I was getting some traffic from this site so I thought I would stop by and say hello.

I have to say you really have your act together over here. It as been a while since I owned an A body (can it really be 22 years!) but I am helping some local kids with a Dart Sport project.

Mopedia relies on the input of it’s readers so I’d like to thank you all for support. One of my goals was to allow online communities to participate without…