Category: For A Bodies Only

melted wires

hey guys. the two big wires that go from my bulkhead connector to the amp gauge are melted. do you guys know what would cause this. the wiring under the dash is pretty hacked up. i was thinking of fixing it. but just putting a universal harness in is tempting too, since my fuse block is pretty shot too. any input?

Scamp steering wheel removal

Could someone out there in A Body land tell me how to remove steering wheel pad so I can remove the steering wheel on my ’72 Scamp?


Comin’ for a visit

Hi Y’all

This Canadian cousin is coming down to Texas for a week in early Sept for a visit. I will be looking for “A” bodies while my brother-in-law is lookin’ for an old truck. We have an open agenda and we only plan to fly in to D/FWorth and rent a car. I have been in Austin, San Antonio and Corpus several times but no real need to head that way if there are better choices.

Anyone have a suggestion on what may be goin’ on? Any Mopar runs happening around the first week of Sept?


Goodguys 2008 Puyallup, WA CAR PORN!!!

Figures that the first thing I see in the parking lot is this POS Scamp :toothy10: and what the hell is a fabo? lol


A Body’s @ PINKS

Here’s Walter (BBLM23) and his car

Here’s Mikel and his trailer ornament

Here’s some random A Body’s from the show


brake booster

I bought a new master and booster assembly (hemi style with pivots) including the proportioning valve for my 1971 Demon with front disc and drum rear brakes. I creased the valve cover on my 440 installing the engine and then I couln’t get the cover off without removing the master. After some thinking I went with manual disc brakes and the offset master cylinder instead. I would like to get $150.00 back out of the $279.00 i paid for it. Never even had the lid off to fill with brake fluid….

Same problem as always. Cooling in the oil.

Ok people, let’s figure this out.

A few weeks back I had coolant leaking into the oil and combustion chamber and wound up twisting a rod and destroying a piston. The engine was torn down, a sleeve was put into one cylinder, the rod and piston were replaced.

I ran it for a little while after the motor went back in, but not hard. It got up to operating temperature, between 160 and 180, then I checked the oil and it was nice and clean. I took it out in the street and did a decent burnout, then…