Cannot wrap my head around it –limo fire

I'm sure by now you've all heard about the terrible limo fire. I'm having a TOUGH time wrapping my brain around several issues

1--I saw a couple of interviews of the driver, and he didn't look to me like he had a hair out of place or even worked up a sweat. Why wasn't he out of the car destroying a door, 'er somethin?

2--WHAT could have started this so fast? I dearly hope "we" the pubic, the ever vigilant regulatory agencies, have not allowed manufacturers to use easily ignitable interior materials

3--Were these women drinking everclear, or using nail polish remover? WHAT could possibly have started such a violent, fast moving fire that got so far out of hand?

4--Is there some unsafe modifications being done to these stretch vehicles, IE plastic fuel tanks in the trunk, etc?

And more to the point, think about that battery, that fuel cell, that rear firewall in YOUR car---is it really what should be there? Is your car's electrical and fuel system as safe as it might be?
Author: admin