Canadian meteor…ite

Did any of you Canucks have the opportunity to see the meteorite that passed over Saskatchewan the other night? About 6-7 years ago a meteor shower of unrivaled intensity occured in our viewing area here in Virginia. I think it was the Leonid meteor shower but astronomers said it would be the best in 75 years. I woke my reluctant girlfriend at 2:00 a.m. and we drove out to the Yorktown battlefield where it`s pitch dark and nothing is there to obscure the view. In 30 minutes we arrived at the battlefield thinking we`d have the entire place to ourselves. We were shocked to find about 100 people out in the field we chose. With our sleeping bags in tow we took our place among the myriad of couples watching natures lightshow. Tucked away in our sleeping bags we watched a spectacular display of shooting stars for about two hours. I`ve never seen anything like it and will always remember that night. As the sky lightened we packed it in and finished off the early morning with fresh warm donuts and hot apple cider. It was a most enjoyable evening!
Author: admin