Buying advice needed for 1977 New Yorker

Hey guys, I'm new here, although I've been lurking around for quite some time now. I would be very grateful if you could take a moment to help me out.

I live in Poland, but spent my childhood in Saudi Arabia and that's when I became fascinated with American cars. Anyway, not many C-bodies make their way over here and even fewer of those that do pop up are worth a second look. I just came across one that is fairly-priced and, at first glance, looks quite clean. Keep in mind that, unlike you guys, I'm no expert, so it would be great if you could take a look at the photos and maybe pick up some things that I may have missed.
The dings on the rear fenders and thrashed vinyl top shouldn't be deal breakers, right? I think I can see some rust down on the rear right fender too. The interior looks clean though. The description is quite vague, the car supposedly runs and has been a daily(?) driver in the US, but hasn't been registered and driven in Poland. They also say that the car has been inspected by a classic car expert, this is required to register it as a classic car here, and has gotten his approval which means that it is at least 75% original.
I need to call the owner and find out more and, if it's worth the trouble, I'll go and see the car in person. It's quite a long drive so I thought I'd better ask you before I go. Could you give me some pointers as to what I should be looking for when inspecting the car? What are the usual rust spots on these cars? I know I should take a look at the chassis and stub frame, but what else? Anything particular to look out for during the test drive?
All help will be much appreciated :)
Author: aceofspades