Bad day yesterday

It started about 7:30 with a phone call from my daughter. She tells me to look out for her car..Some one stole it out of the parking lot at her mother in laws. Her husband and her and the 2 kids came down to visit. Police came and took a report, and I printed out a pic of it for them....I drove out to a place where i know some cars have been found but no luck...I called her and let her know I was heading to the shop and to call me if she hears anything. Well about 1:00 she calls me and says they found her car. I asked her how bad it was.. They stripped it. They took her custom wheel, stereo, amp, subs, autometer tach, battery, childs car seat, hand gun that was in the trunk. So I rounded up some tires and wheels we had at the shop. My friend hooked up the trailor to his truck saying he gets better milage than I do with mine. We got everything loaded up and headed out to where the car was. Got the wheels on but they ddin't fit like they should, but good enough to get it on the trailor....Got back to the shop around 5, unloaded it unhooked the trailor and my friend had ot head home.. So the son in law and me worked on the car. got the right wheels for it off a car we have there. Took the battery out of my cuda. We got done around 7:30 and headed home....I am just glad they got it back as it is the only car they have that will fit all 4 of them. Plus it is a Dodge Spirit. They lost about around $4000 worth of stuff
Author: admin