bad day

I had too work today, which isn't the bad part. I was busy, but nothing out of the ordanary. On the way home a deer hit me. His head pushed in the drivers door and his butt pushed in the back door. Now my doors don't close right. I just paid off the truck after six years, and now I hit a deer.

So I get home and tell the wife about it. She tells me I should put it in the garage because it's supposed to rain tonight. Doors not closing and all I thought it was a good idea. Well, the garage is full, so I call my grandma and ask if I can park it in her carport. Sure, no problem, by the way, your aunt died and the funeral is tomorrow. She was one of my favorite aunts as a kid. Always good to me. Bought me school clothes when mom wouldn't and took up for me. She had cancer and I didn't even know it.
Author: admin