Awesome guys alert! SGBARRACUDA and moparmarkk!

Some of you may remember from a while back Roy (SGBARRACUDA) got ripped off by another member who sold him a set of Holley valve covers that were pretty much useless.

A thread ensued in which the kid who ripped Roy off wound up getting banned (multiple times), but not before attacking a few members both in the thread and in PM's.

I made mention in the thread that if I had the extra bucks to kick around I'd buy the valve covers and turn 'em into garage art.

Well, Roy decided that I'd have some garage art.

He took 'em to moparmarkk to doll 'em up, and boy did Mark ever! All I can say is if this is the kind of work and packaging he does for freebies I can imagine what kind of work and packaging he does in selling parts. These babies came bubble wrapped, wrapped in foam, put tightly in a tube and bubble wrapped again.

And they turned out awesome!

Thank you, Roy and Mark!

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Author: admin