Anyone else Vape?

I started about a year ago, to quit smoking.... But it has snowballed into another damn hobby... lol It is nice to breathe, and smell again! I can't lie though, once in a while I get a hair up my ass for a cigg. Especially when drinking, but it is amazing how nasty the ciggs taste after vaping. Can really taste all the nasty chemicals, and carcinogens in them.

Of course there are a lot of naysayers to E-cigs. Mostly about how the battery can blow up in yours face. But you really have to be an idiot to have something like that happen. Also the battery would be draining hot acid on you before hand. I would hope you would stop at that point lol. The only real bad thing I can see is if you have one, that you rarely/never use. It can have mold grow inside the tank. But obviously your not using it at that point...

This is my newest piece I got last week. Everyone at the show got to see it yesterday. Stan seemed a little intrigued by it lol

Author: monaco75