Lost Another Job

Last October, 2009 we got a letter stating the newspaper I deliver (The Globe) was going to try and combine Home Delivery and Commercial Delivery. I do commercial deliveries. They wanted to combine runs and eliminate drivers. The letter also stated that we would know who would still have a job in 10 days. A month went by with no final decision.

Meanwhile on Nov 15, 2009 my day job picking up unsold papers and giving stores credits for 3 different newspapers (Citizen, Post, and LeDroit) was eliminated when they joined forces with another local newspaper (Sun) for deliveries. I was in no hurry to find another day job because I still had my early morning deliveries to do for the Globe and New York Times.

Nov 30, 2009 we get a letter from The Globe stating we were going to take a pay cut of $100 every 2 weeks starting on Jan 1, 2010. The pay from the New York Times would stay the same. We were under the impression that we would take a pay cut instead of losing our jobs.

Jan 1, 2010 I get my new pay and they took off more than the $100/2 weeks. We get paid once a month. We got another letter asking for our information so they can do a direct deposit with our pay starting on March 1, 2010.

Today we get another letter. They went ahead and combined Home Delivery and Commercial Delivery even though we just took a pay cut. They have a total of 90 runs and want to cut down to 59 runs. My Globe run was eliminated. My last day will be Saturday Feb 27, 2010. Basically we got a 2 week notice. However, I can keep my New York Times delivery run (it's connected with The Globe). I can't live off what that one run pays. It won't pay my rent, let alone gas and insurance, food etc. I was gonna wait until spring to look for a day job, but I'll have to do it real soon (NOW). The letter stated, "I'm hoping you will decide to stay with us and continue with the NYT's in the hope that something else opens up that would interest you. As your delivery and reliability are without question, you would be first up for whatever becomes available."

And it wasn't the boss who was handing out the letters, it was his jo-boy. The spineless coward couldn't even be at the depot to answer any questions. So jo-bays tells me just to hang in there and wait to see if any of the other drivers quit and then I'll get whatever Globe run they were doing. Some of the other drivers got to keep a small portion of their globe run. So if the drivers don't want to do a small run, I'll get dibs on the leftovers.

Finally, we're considered self-employed "owner/operators". So no unemployment for us! Good thing I saved up a decent little nest egg when I was doing the three runs for a year. Otherwise I might be panicking right about now. I'm glad I didn't move to a bigger apartment or buy a new Challenger SRT/8 or a new van.

If I had a bottle, I'd be doing some serious drinking right now. :drinkers:

Rant over,
Author: admin