Cool news from mission team in Haiti.

Our church has been supporting missions to Haiti for years now, and we support a family that grew up there and has schools, small clinics and shelters that they run.
Just a few months before the earthquake the mission team asked for money for a bulldozer to clear an air strip in the mountains so that the mission groups and workers would not have to travel 40 miles up the treacherous mountain passes.
Well, just today the first plane landed there and dropped off supplies and food, mostly rice to feed the thousand or more people that have accumulated there for safety.
They said they can't boil the rice fast enough but all seems to be going well with the air strip.

They said the government did not waste any time contacting them for use of the airstrip for small planes of course.

Glad they have satellite internet otherwise we would not know jack about what their situation is down there.
Author: admin