Good Guy Alert!!!!!!!!!!

For all you folks using infra red shop heaters;I have a Marvin heater that needed elements.Marvin went out of business,so whats a guy to do?

After searching the net I contacted this company here.

A guy named John Eaton got back to me right away.I explained the situation. He said that he could make elements for my heater but that no one had been willing to sent him a used element to work from.He had several emails regarding these heaters and was willing to try.

I had a broken one sitting on my shop bench. So I sent it ,figuring what the heck.It's only costing me shipping.I also sent detailed pics of an intact element showing measurements.

John built the elements,tested them and then shipped me 4 elements no charge for all my help.I installed them and they work GREAT! I've been using them for several months now with no issues.

Heres to you John! Your an awesome guy!

If you cant find elements for your infrared shop heater,John is your man!
Author: admin