Tragic day in Northern Indiana.

On my route today while drivinbg down route 65 around the Hobart/Merrillville area traffic was kind of 'bottlenecking' up coming almost to a stop. Way up ahead at the Route 30 exit some mexican couple in a white pickup truck were on the shoulder reloading giant bags of stuffed animals that were piled way to high and not riding well. It appeared a few of the bags fell off by the shoulder of the highway and everyone was rubbernecking. This situation created some pockets of neaqr stopped traffic between the accident I saw and the idiots with the stuffed animals.
This accident was about as bad as it gets. A late model Toyota with a rather large and old lady stopped in one of them backups and a real nice looking triple black 71 Dart Swinger with a young gal driving it rear ended the red toyota. It appeared she cut the wheel of the Dart to the right and caught the Toyota in the rear bumper with the left front corner of the Dart. When I passed both ladies were out talking and the old lady was by the back of the Dart taking down the plate number etc. The young gal was not happy, (I would be ticked off too) and was talking to the old lady about the accident. Well, on the way back from my stop about a mile away from this accident the accident is still there. NOW there is a fire truck and an abulance and a state trooper on the scene. You can guess where this old lady is now. The young gal is with the state trooper. The Toyota showed no signs of any harsh damage but I am sure the inner bumper is bent up. The Dart will need a bit of work but even from the distance I was from it I could see the damage was only outer sheetmetal. It looked like just the grille, bumper, left fender and perhaps the left bumper brackets were damaged and that damage was enough that the Dart should have been able to be driven away. It was a real nice looking car except for that damage. I am going to have to keep my eyes open for this Dart in the future.
Author: admin