4 the love of 4 doors

Haven't been here in a while
been trying to finish projects
I never look at a car for> how many doors it has
my friends say I'm a "More Door Maniac"

I like Performance, i think more doors have less body flex
anyway Here's the 70 Dart, lots of laughs,

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while on topic of more doors
here's the 68 Satellite
pulled the 540 out
to put in a 72 swinger

540 was set back 12" so every time I walked passed the engine bay
I kept thinking about the Turbo Cummins sitting in the corner
just daring me to try it.
the roll cage was built 20 years ago
I was amused that everything fit so nicely (from 92CTD radiator to the drive shaft yoke)even used the 1410 u joint size drive shaft
added a trans shield for safety

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Author: draginmopars